

峥嵘岁月,经管皇冠博彩公司 创业征程,经纶瑚琏;


感谢朋友们对皇冠博彩公司-皇冠博彩网址 的关心和支持!

皇冠博彩公司 的历史可以追溯到上个世纪50年代初期设立于北京钢铁皇冠博彩公司 的“冶金经济与企业组织”教研室。经过半个世纪,几代师生员工的共同努力,皇冠博彩公司 目前已发展成具有相当水平和规模,在国内外有重要影响的管理教育与研究机构。

皇冠博彩公司 学科齐全、历史悠久。拥有一流的教学、研究环境,优秀的师资队伍和较高的国际化水平。改革开放以来,皇冠博彩公司 培养了近万名各类毕业生,他们正在经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用,许多已成为学术领军人才、企业管理精英和政府的高级管理者。

皇冠博彩公司 致力于在管理和经济学界培养创新型人才和发展前沿知识,为相关行业和社会提供优质的服务。伴随着经济全球化、我国的改革开放和经济社会发展,今天,皇冠博彩公司-皇冠博彩网址 正在向建设国际一流皇冠博彩公司 的目标迈进。


皇冠博彩公司 院长:谷炜教授

Journey of glories with moral practices, we committed to educate management talents with leadership for  the society.
Full of passionate dedications, we formed an innovation climate in mind and spirit at the school.
For the past fruitful 40 years of achievements, we really appreciate the unwavering support from students, faculty members, alumni and corporate partners!

The history of the school can be traced back to the Teaching and Research Department of Metallurgical Economics and Enterprise Organization of Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology in the early 50s of last century.  After half a century, with several generations of faculty and students’ joint efforts, the school has developed into a management education and research institution with considerable level and scale, which has an essential influence both at home and abroad.

The school has a full range of disciplines, first-rate quality of teaching and research environment, excellent faculty and a high level of internationalization. Since reform and opening up, the school has cultivated nearly 10,000 graduates who are playing  important roles in the economic and social development. Many of them have already become academic leaders, business management elites and senior managers of the government.

The school is committed to cultivating innovative talents and developing frontier knowledge in the academic field of management and economy in order to provide a high quality services for relevant industries and society. Today, with the economic globalization, China’s reform, opening up, and economic and social development, our school is striding forward to the goal of establishing an international first-rate school.

Welcome to join us, think out loud, and unleash your great ability and tremendous potential with us, for a bold future to contribute your talent to the progress of the whole society!  

Professor  Wei Gu 
Dean of School of Economics  and Management