
(Formerly Donlinks School of Economics and Management)
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Key Projects
The high quality research results are evidenced by the research projects obtained by the SEM faculty. A sample of the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC) funded research projects are listed in below Table.


Selected NSFC and NSSFC funded projects (in 10,000RMB)
Project Title Project Investigator Sponsor Start Date End Date Total Amount
Prognostics and Prognostics Based
Complex Engineering Systems Health
Wenbin Wang NSFC 01/2013 12/2017 250
Research on Thoughts Analytical Theme
Discovery for Business Intelligence
Xuedong Gao NSFC 01/2013 12/2016 55
Research on the Theories and Methods of
Regional Technology Innovation Climate
Wu Yang NSFC 01/2013 12/2016 54
The study on the technical efficiency
evaluation and improvement about China’s
high energy consumption manufacturing
enterprise under the dual constraints of
reduction and low carbon
Feng He NSFC 01/2013 12/2016 55
Research on Clustering-oriented Dictionary
Learning and High Dimensional Data
Clustering via Sparse Representation
Sen Wu NSFC 01/2013 12/2016 54
The formation, evolution and governance
mechanisms of Knowledge Service Network
based on Agile Supply Chain
Daoping Wang NSFC 01/2012 12/2015 45
Optimization of China's iron and steel
industry low-carbon production mode based
on dynamic systems theory
Qun Zhang NSFC 01/2012 12/2015 42
Uncertain multinational capital budgeting Xiaoxia Huang NSFC 01/2012 12/2015 42
Study on Product-community Co-evolution
Model and the Evolution Mechanism of Mass
Collaborative Product Design
Xiaodong Zhang NSFC 01/2012 12/2015 40
A study on industry's security of  China
based on economic globalization
Weida He NSSFC 11/2010 12/2013 70

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30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083