Dear Colleague
“Iron & Steel Joint Fund” is founded by the Bao Steel Co, Ltd and the Chinese National Science Foundation (CNSF), the purpose of setting up this fund is to develop advanced, innovative fundamental research to enhance the technology of the iron and steel, new material and new product development. Effectively using this fund will increase the overall competitive advantage of the overall the iron and steel industry in China. This fund is open to the whole country and the application is processed by the CNSF and the fund is granted and managed by Bao Steel and the CNSF together.
In year 2015, this fund is focused on the basic research of new material, new product, new technology and new processes and iron and steels research that can be efficient and sustainable. Please submit your suggestions and feedbacks to the following email.
Thanks for your great support!
Contact person: Zhengjie Wang
Tel: 021-20658870
Email: [email protected]
Bao Steel Co. Ltd
Research and Development Department