题目:College Admission Policies and Pre-College Human Capital Investment: Evidence from China
摘要:We construct a model of pre-college human capital investment of students with heterogeneous abilities facing college admissions competition based on examination scores. A competitive equilibrium is solved in which students take cutoff scores of each university as given and decide on their pre-university human capital investment. The incentive for pre-college human capital investment can be broken down into "productive channel" and "competitive channel", and the latter is the source of overinvestment and efficiency loss. Using the data from Chinese college admissions, we estimate parameters of two education production functions determining pre-college human capital or wage after college graduation. Counterfactual analysis shows that China's college admissions bring in a sizable efficiency loss, and the "competitive channel" dominates the "productive channel". Reducing the quality-gap of universities and increasing the admission quota of high-quality universities can reduce excessive efforts and efficiency loss.
个人简介:钟笑寒,清华大学皇冠博彩公司 经济系教授。研究领域为微观经济理论、劳动经济学、教育经济学、应用微观经济学。论文发表在《计量经济学杂志(Journal of Econometrics)》、《博弈与经济行为(Games and Economic Behavior)》、《实验经济学(Experimental Economics)》、《中国社会科学》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》、《经济学报》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《统计研究》、《中国工业经济》等国内外学术期刊。学术著作包括《中国农民故事》、《文物保护与旅游业发展》。讲授经济学原理、博弈论等课程。国家级教学奖获得者、精品课主讲教师。清华大学中国经济研究中心主任。