

美国乔治梅森大学Daniel Houser教授-Behavioral Economic Studies of Temptation



主讲人:Daniel Houser教授  美国乔治梅森大学

题目:Behavioral Economic Studies of Temptation

摘要:I report data from behavioral studies of temptation and self-control. Self-control resolves conflict between altruistic and selfish impulses. Self-control requires energy, and in work environments controlling one’s short-run desires can have a detrimental impact on subsequent productivity. Further, controlling selfish impulses is more difficult when costs of altruistic effort for others are monetized. Brain imaging data suggest altruism is mediated by social reward systems. These systems may be difficult to activate (that is, self-control more difficult) in the presence of pecuniary costs, as money is perceived as an individual resource.

个人简介:Daniel Houser,美国乔治梅森大学经济系主任、教授、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Venon Smith创办的跨学科经济研究中心主任。1989年在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校获得经济学和数学双学士学位,1998年在明尼苏达大学获得经济学博士学位。Houser教授是著名行为经济学学家,神经经济学奠基人之一。长期从事行为经济学、实验经济学领域的研究,在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)American Economic Review(FT50, ABS4*)Econometrica (FT50, ABS4*)Journal of Finance(UTD24, ABS4*)等经济管理领域的顶尖期刊发表学术论文高达200余篇,获得过多项国家科学基金会的支持。担任Management Science(UTD24, ABS4*)副主编,Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics主编,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization(ABS3)主编,Experimental Economics(ABS3)编委会委员,以及ScienceNaturePNAS, National Science Foundation等二十多个杂志的审稿人。