主讲人:Martina Huemann教授,英国伦敦大学皇冠博彩公司 (UCL)和奥地利维也纳经济大学
题目:Projects matter!
摘要:We have arrived in the project society, in which projects and their management play a vital role in co-creating the future. In this presentation Professor Martina Huemann will take you on a journey and argue why and how projects matter for individuals, organizations and the society. Projects are means to create value for stakeholders and get change delivered. In this notion we all need to become project leaders to engage in solving grand challenges and enabling the creation of better futures.
个人简介:Martina Huemann is the Professor for Major Infrastructure Delivery at Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (BSSC), University College London (UCL) and Professor at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is the editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Project Management and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Project Leadership and Society. She has published widely on topics such as project careers, stakeholder engagement, sustainability, and project management. For her research on Human Resource Management in Project-oriented Organizations, she received the IPMA Research Award.