

意大利博科尼大学Alfonso Gambardella教授:A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management Evidence from Four Field Experiments


地点:在线讲座ZOOM平台, 1389193082

主讲人:Alfonso Gambardella教授,意大利博科尼大学

题目:A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management: Evidence from Four Field Experiments

摘要:We develop a model of managerial decisions under uncertainty, such as the decision to innovate or the entrepreneurial decision to start a new firm. The model shows that managers and entrepreneurs make better decisions if they formulate problems clearly, develop theories about the implications of their actions, and test these theories. Because the approach resembles the approach used by scientists in their research, we call it a "scientific approach to managerial decision-making under uncertainty." The model predicts that when managers and entrepreneurs adopt this approach, they are more likely to terminate projects with negative returns, commit to projects with positive returns, or pivot to projects with higher returns. Therefore, they exhibit higher performance both because they are more likely to pursue better project and because they terminate bad projects. We test these implications by combining the results of 4 Randomized Control Trials (RCT) conducted in Milan (2016, 2017), Turin (2018), and London (2019), involving start-ups (both in high-tech and non-high tech sectors) and small-medium enterprises. Overall the 4 RCT involve 755 firms and 10,768 data points over time. The empirical analysis corroborates the predictions of the model. This study then shows thata scientific approach to managerial decisions under uncertainty can have important implications for managerial performance.

个人简介:Alfonso Gambardella,是意大利博科尼大学管理学教授,管理与技术系主任。他的主要研究方向是企业战略,特别是技术战略和创新对产业结构的影响。他最著名的专著是《技术市场》(2001年,麻省理工皇冠博彩公司 出版社,与A.Arora和A.Fosfuri合著)。他是《管理科学》商业战略的部门编辑,战略管理学会会员,伦敦CEPR研究员。2015-16年,担任美国管理皇冠博彩公司 商业政策与战略部主席,斯坦福大学经济系(1995-96、2003和2005)和麻省理工皇冠博彩公司 斯隆皇冠博彩公司 (2015-16)的客座教授。