

阿联酋沙迦美国大学徐笑波教授:A cross-country comparative study on sustainable consumption of car sharing




题目:A cross-country comparative study on sustainable consumption of car sharing

摘要:Considered as one of the major sharing economy platforms, car sharing has received increasing attention and usage. Many researchers and practitioners have highlighted the enormous potential of the car sharing platform in business opportunities, environmental benefits, and social impacts. Based on different theories in terms of service quality, cultural dimensions theory, trust theory, perceived value theory, and transaction cost theory, we propose a research model to examine the moderating effect of societal individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance on the relationship between antecedents and sustainable use of car sharing. Four countries will be selected for this study based on societal individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. We will collect data from two major car sharing platforms' customers from each country, respectively. Based on between-group (Australia & USA vs. China & UAE) and within-group (Australia vs. USA and China vs. UAE) comparisons, the research findings will not only boost the theory of customers' sustainable use of car sharing in general but also provide the practical guideline to develop and manage the car sharing platform. In summary, the paper will contribute to the economic development, environmental protection, and social welfare in these four countries and beyond.

个人简介:徐笑波,美国密西西比大学博士,现任阿联酋沙迦美国大学商皇冠博彩公司 (美国国际精英商皇冠博彩公司 协会AACSB认证;2016年“美国新闻”排名—阿拉伯世界商皇冠博彩公司 排名第一) 教授,是浙江大学全球创业研究中心客座研究员,是浙江新侨研究与发展中心客座研究员及中东联络人,是国际丝路创业教育联盟中东首席代表,是国际信息管理暑期研讨会 (CSWIM) 组委会委员,是信息系统协会中国分会 (CNAIS) 会员,是武汉电子商务国际会议 (WHICEB) 常设分论坛主席,是浙江湖州市侨联海外顾问,是浙江湖州市“南太湖精英计划”专家评审委员会委员,同时是浙江安吉县海外联谊会第一届副会长兼迪拜安吉海外人才工作站“引才大使”。主要研究方向是信息系统项目管理、物联网、共享经济、企业创新和创业、电子商务以及供应链管理等,已在国际学术会议论文集和国际权威期刊Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Project Management Journal, Information Technology & Management, Information Systems Frontiers, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, and Internet Research等发表了近50篇学术论文,谷歌学者论文总引用数近500次 (H-index="11)。

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