


研究成果:The influences of three task characteristics on innovative use of malleable IT: An extension of adaptive structuration theory for individuals

作者:Shao Zhen,李希熙(通讯作者)

发表期刊:Information & ManagementABS3

Malleable information technology (IT) stands for contemporary mobile computing technologies, which are fluid and flexible and provide much room for users to engage in innovative use. We draw upon adaptive structuration theory for individuals (ASTI) to examine the influences of three task characteristics, namely two task environment factors of transformational leadership and innovation climate and the task process factor of work autonomy, on employees' innovative use of malleable IT. We collected survey data from 315 frontline employees of 20 different companies across 5 industries in China that had implemented a mobile computing system for more than one year. The results indicate that transformational leadership exerts a positive influence on innovative use of malleable IT, and innovation climate mediates this positive influence. Work autonomy also has a positive influence on innovative use. A multiple group analysis based on gender further reveals that the two task environment factors of transformational leadership and innovation climate both exert stronger influences on female employees, while work autonomy, as a task process factor, has a stronger influence on male employees. Our study provides an extended interpretation of ASTI in the use context of malleable IT and offers practical implications for managers who seek to promote innovative use of malleable IT.

文献来源:Shao, Z., & Li, X. (2022). The influences of three task characteristics on innovative use of malleable IT: An extension of adaptive structuration theory for individuals. Information & Management, 59(3), 103597.