王淑漪,管理学博士,2020年毕业于香港大学工业与制造系统工程系,之后于香港大学从事博士后工作。2023年就职于皇冠博彩公司-皇冠博彩网址 管理科学系,致力于供应链管理与可持续发展,博弈论及运筹学研究。
王淑漪,管理学博士,2020年毕业于香港大学工业与制造系统工程系,之后于香港大学从事博士后工作。2023年就职于皇冠博彩公司-皇冠博彩网址 管理科学系,致力于供应链管理与可持续发展,博弈论及运筹学研究。
香港大学 工业与制造系统工程系 博士
Xiao, J. H., Chen, L., Niu Y. Y., Wang, S. Y. * (2024). Request Prompt Response in Same-Day Delivery Problem with Drone Resupply. International Journal of Production Research, accept.
Wang, S. Y., George Q. Huang*. (2024). Resilient Supply Chain Operations Following Major Disturbances: Lessons from COVID-19 Cases. International Journal of Production Research, 1-29.
Xiao, J. H., Ma, S. Y., Wang, S. Y. *, George Q. Huang. (2024). Fine-grained digital twin sharing framework for smart construction through an incentive mechanism. International Journal of Production Economics, 276, 109382.
Xiao, J. H., Wang, S.Y., Xiao, J.H., & Huang, G. Q. (2024). Delivery routing for electric vehicles with en-route mobile battery swapping. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 192, 103838.
Xiao, J. H., Ma, S. Y., Wang, S. Y. *, George Q. Huang. (2024). Meta-inventory Management Decisions: A Theoretical Model. International Journal of Production Economics, 109339.
Wang, S. Y., and Choi, S. H., Xiao, J.H., George Q. Huang*. (2023). Option-coordinated decision analysis for the risk-bearing supply chain with emission reduction targets. International Journal of Production Research, 1.
Wang, S. Y., George Q. Huang*. (2023). Meta-inventory. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 81, p.102503.
Cai, Y.J., Wang, S.Y., Ouyang, Z.Y., & G. Q., Huang (2022). Impacts of social distancing measures on global supply chain configuration. International Journal of Production Research, 61(8), 2779-2794.
Wang, S. Y.*, and Choi, S. H. (2020a). Decision analysis for the emission-limited manufacturer with option contracts under demand uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 120712.
Wang, S. Y.*, and Choi, S. H. (2020b). Decision analysis with green awareness and demand uncertainties under the option-available ETS system. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, 106254.
Wang, S. Y.*, and Choi, S. H. (2020c). Pareto-efficient coordination of the contract-based MTO supply chain under flexible cap-and-trade emission constraint. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119571.
Wang, S. Y.*, and Choi, S. H. (2019). The emission ordering strategy with green awareness under the emission trading system (ETS). Paper presented at the ICORES 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
2016-2020 HKU PGS Scholarship 香港大学
供应链管理, 可持续发展,弹性供应链及绿色供应链, 博弈论及运筹学, 智慧制造,数字孪生,元联网,超库存