

美国得克萨斯州大学阿灵顿分校汪静国:Passing the Torch How Parents’ Online Privacy Concerns Influence Adolescents’ Online Self-Disclosure Behavio




题目:Passing the Torch: How Parents’ Online Privacy Concerns Influence Adolescents’ Online Self-Disclosure Behavior

摘要:This research investigates two processes—namely internalization and compliance—through which parents’ online privacy concerns affect adolescents’ self-disclosure behavior. Triadic data (father, mother, and a child) from 726 families in China shows the indirect effect of parents’ privacy concerns on adolescents’ self-disclosure behavior through influencing adolescents’ privacy concerns (the internalization process), and  the direct effect of parents’ privacy concerns on adolescents’ self-disclosure behavior, without changing their privacy concerns (the compliance process). Further, the effect of parents’ privacy concerns on adolescents’ self-disclosure is reinforced by the extent to which parents employ parental mediation strategies (i.e., restrictive, evaluative, and co-using). , with evaluative parental mediation being most effective in reinforcing the impact of parents’ privacy concerns on adolescents’ privacy concerns through the internalization process. Also, parents’ privacy concerns affect sons and daughters in different ways. Specifically, sons’ self-disclosure is mostly affected through the internalization process, whereas daughters’ self-disclosure is more susceptible to the direct influence of their parents’ privacy concerns under the compliance process. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed.

个人简介:汪静国博士是美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿商皇冠博彩公司 的信息系统教授(终身教授)。他在复旦大学获得计算机科学学士,在纽约州立大学布法罗获得运筹学硕士以及管理科学和系统博士。研究领域包括信息安全,网络犯罪,和决策支持。在各类国际期刊上发表超过30篇的论文, 其中期刊包括MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on SMC (Part C), European Journal of Operational Research等。汪博士现在是Information Systems Frontier 的协调主编,Information Systems Journal 和Decision Support Systems 的副编辑,曾任 MIS Quarterly 的客座副编辑和MIS Quarterly信息安全特辑副编辑。