




主讲人:吴蕊 工商管理系

题目:偏离腐败“规范”:从制度复杂性看中国企业绩效(Deviating from Corruption Norms in China: A Perspective of Institutional Complexity

摘要:Given the extensive controversy about to what extent corruption greases or throws sand into the gears of economic activities, scholarly work has remained relatively silent regarding how bribery influences a firm’s performance when a norm of corruption and an anti-corruption regime co-exist. Drawing on institutional theory, this study analyzes whether paying more bribes predicts firms’ above-average financial performance. We suggest that the level of bribery accepted tacitly by social norms is influential, and that deviation from such norms is subject to punishment by both formal enforcement and informal institutions in that strengthening either institution enhances the negative effect.